W Design Studios is a full service interior design, event and lifestyle consulting firm. Let us simplify your life, make it more organized and beautiful.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mad about Macaroons

Okay, so many of you may have seen my Facebook post of the macaroons that I made last night for a cocktail soiree that we had tonight afterwork.  I must say they turned out pretty darn good.  I was just so excited that they actually looked like macaroons!  My dream would be to go to Paris and take a class from the famous pastry chefs at Laduree.  They are the premiere purveyors of these beautiful and delicious little treats and their shops are so beautifully decorated.  The buzz is all about macaroons these days, move over cupcake.

So sweet

A view from the street

How exquisite are these colors?!

The interiors are so beautiful and French

And these are mine!  They don't look to bad!  I am so excited to continue experimenting 
with new flavor combinations and colors!


  1. Last time I was in Paris, my boss was horrified to find out I had never tried a macaroon from Laduree. We promptly manuevered the busy streets to the shop where we were able to get the most delicious sampling of the iconic macaroons.
    Needless to say, I am no longer clueless to this delicious little treat!

  2. Paris is too far. Try Kee's in SoHo. Love their macaroons and chocolates..
